Probability and Statistics Autumn 24
The outline
for our course. The content of our course.
ESP guidelines.
Lecture 31. Lecture 30. Lecture 29. Lecture 28. Lecture 27. Lecture 26. Lecture 25. Lecture 24. Lecture 23. Lecture 22. Lecture 21. Lecture 20. Lecture 19. Lecture 18. Lecture 17. Lecture 16. Lecture 15. Lecture 14. Lecture 13. Lecture 12. Lecture 11. Lecture 10. Lecture 9. Lecture 8. Lecture 7. Lecture 6. Lecture 5. Lecture 4. Lecture 3. Lecture 2. Lecture 1.
Clex 1 and the solutions.
Clex 2 and the solutions.
Clex 3 and the solutions.
Clex 4 and the solutions.
Clex 5 and the solutions.
Clex 6 and the solutions.
Clex 7 and the solutions.
Clex 8 and the solutions.
Clex 9 and the solutions.
Clex 10 and the solutions.
Clex 11 and the solutions.
Clex 12 and the solutions.
Jupyter notebook 1.
Jupyter notebook 2.
Jupyter notebook 3. (A note providing some of the 6/49 details).
Jupyter notebook 4.
Jupyter notebook 5.
Jupyter notebook 6.
Jupyter notebook 7.
Jupyter notebook for multiple linear regression and the corresponding data file. Good detailed lectures on the regression model.
By popular demand here are four sites which have extra materials and practice:
The Khan Academy course on Statistics and probability.
The OpenStax Stats course.
A course with many examples you could try before opening the solution.
A free online textbook on a higher level than our course.
The statistical tables.
The Final Exam solutions.